Monday 15 December 2014

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Fatty Liver Start Caring from Today, Health Tips

Fatty Liver : Start Caring from Today

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 generally follow these three steps:
  1. Improve Digestion. First I provide pre-cleanse dietary instructions according to a person’s body-type and provide herbal solutions to achieve regular elimination which will be taken throughout the treatment period.
  2. Intestinal Cleanse. Use a custom fiber mix and custom Ayurvedic colon cleansing/laxative as needed.  I have the client drink a liver detox tea in the morning, have a green powder based on chlorella with meals and then slowly add the fiber between meals.  (The fiber is both a bulking agent and has intestinal drawing properties.)
  3. Liver and Gallbladder Cleanse.   Next, I have the client continue with the liver tea or a general detox tea but have them eat a simpler diet with lots of veggies and no oil or fat in the diet. I also add another Ayuvedic powder to helps soften any stones. Then I have the person take a veggie concoction each morning with includes lemon juice, garlic and ginger at various amounts with 1 Tablespoon of olive or flax oil. Then each morning for the next 4 or 5 days the amount of oil is increased.  (This process of not having any oil or fat all day and then doing so in the morning with these supportive herbs flushes the gallbladder and detoxifies the liver very effectively. )

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